Creative production workshop for young talents

BAKOM is a creative production workshop for those who want to make films and games. At BAKOM you can explore different fields and genres, and practice what you enjoy doing best. Free membership. 

As a member of BAKOM, you can participate in events and work on your own or each other's projects. BAKOM is located in central Bergen at the cultural center Verftet. We have various production equipment for loan and workstations with relevant software, as well as access to meeting rooms, film workshops, editing rooms, computer labs and screening rooms. The facilities are available to members by appointment with the head of department.

Filmveksthuset BAKOM is a department of Western Norway Film Fund AS, and is supported by Vestland County Council and Bergen Municipality. BAKOM was established in 2020 as a development arena for young talents in film production and game development.

Sofie Vestad is Head of Department at BAKOM, and has extensive and versatile experience from the film industry in Bergen. She can provide you with professional guidance, and is the person to talk to about becoming a member.

  • Sofie Vestad

    Film Incubator for New Talents
    +47 971 15 047